IS YOUR BABY ON TRACK? use our developmental milestone chart!

Welcome to the Early 

Childhood Program (Age birth to 3)

MECA Therapies has been providing services for more than 20 years, serving thousands of children and families. Our Early Childhood Program provides quality services throughout Southern and Southeast New Mexico.

Complete the Early Childhood Referral Form below for a free screening and/or evaluation. 

Early Childhood Referral Form

Where Do Services Take Place?

We go wherever you and your child are. The majority of Early Childhood services are provided right in your home or in a community setting that your child is in. We will make our visits at grandma’s house, daycare, and even at the park.

When Should I Seek Out Services?

Don’t wait! If you suspect your child is not doing everything he or she should be doing for his or her age, call us right away. Early intervention is simply providing your child with the specialized help he or she needs at the earliest possible time. Studies show that the younger your child is when they receive help, the more effective intervention will be.

How Can Services Help My Child?

We can help by evaluating your child and let you know how he/she is developing. When a young child experiences challenges in meeting developmental milestones, it is important that families have the knowledge and support to encourage his or her development, assist with problem-solving issues around every day routines and activities, and recognize and use their own strengths to reach their goals for their child and family.

Why Choose MECA Therapies?

We love helping children. Seeing them reach their potential is our main objective. The goal of our program is to help families and caregivers receive the guidance and support they need to help enhance their child’s development.