From your caring

hands, to ours

Children’s Outpatient Clinic

*Available only in Las Cruces, and Roswell

Please fill the form below to contact us:

Outpatient Clinic Referral Form

1350 Hillrise Cir
Las Cruces, NM 88011
Tel: (575) 522-9500
Fax: (575) 523-1108

1415 W 2nd St.,
Roswell, NM 88201
Tel: (575) 623-2615
Fax: (575) 622-6703


our services

Outpatient Clinic

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy services focus on gross motor skills to include standing, walking, balance and strengthening through therapeutic activities, appropriate positioning, and adaptive devices that can be incorporated into a child’s typical day.

Outpatient Clinic

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy focuses on the development of fine motor skills as well as sensory motor, self-regulation, body awareness, and support daily living activities.

Outpatient Clinic

Speech Therapy

Speech therapists work with a full range of communication disorders such as pragmatic language, fluency, oral-motor disorders, apraxia, and working to help children plan and coordinate movements needed to make speech sounds.


After a patient receives an evaluation, a treatment plan is established. Clinic patients can receive therapy in a one-on-one setting and/or co-setting.
The Children’s Outpatient Clinic treats children with the following conditions:
• Down syndrome
• Cerebral palsy
• Autism spectrum disorder
• Speech-language disorders
• Sensory disorders
• Developmental delays
• Cleft lip and palate
• And other rare syndromes

how to RECEIVE Treatment

Step One: Referral

Referrals to MECA Therapies Children’s Outpatient Clinic can be faxed, hand-delivered, or submitted online. Referrals must be accompanied by a prescription from you physician. Health information and paperwork must be completed and obtained prior to scheduling the initial evaluation.

Step Two: Admission

After receiving a referral, a therapist evaluates a patient’s readiness for admission based on the following:
• Patient demonstrates potential for functioning improvements.
• Patient meets admission criteria guidelines set by Medicaid or private insurance carrier.
• Patient is capable of participating in the rehabilitation process.

Payment options

Children's Outpatient ClinicInsurance
MECA Therapies participates in a variety of private and Medicaid based insurance plans. Our participation allows for the highest benefit of coverage for our patients. However, this does not guarantee coverage. Insurance benefits are determined, and pre-authorization is completed prior to the first appointment.
Contact your insurance company regarding your specific benefits and to get additional information on your co-pays and deductibles.

In the event the patient is not covered by an insurance plan, the patient has the option of paying for services out-of-pocket.

¡Hablamos Español! Bilingual services are also provided.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Call: (575) 522-9500 Appointments must include a referral from a physician.